Misje ks. Piotra Prusakiewicza CSMA w USA

W dniach 6 – 18 czerwca ks. Piotr Prusakiewicz CSMA będzie głosił nauki rekolekcyjne w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Szczegółowy program na stronie kwartalnika „The Angels Magazine”

USA 2023

6th – 7th June 2023 ** The Church of St Veronica 435 Alida Way South San Francisco CA 94080-432

7th – The secrets of St Faustina 8th – The Majestic Splendour of St Michael Contact: Fr Driscoll Phone: +1 -650-588-1455

9th June 2023 One Day Retreat 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Theme: Spirituality of St Faustina and her encounters with the Angels 9th – 17th June 2023 (start 7:00 p.m.) Sisters and Lay Women’s 8-Day Retreat The Healing power of the Divine Mercy and St Michael

Our Lady of Peace Retreat 3600 SW 170th Avenue Beaverton, Oregon 97003 Contact: Carolyn Callaghan, Phone: +1 (503)-649-7127 Email: [email protected]

18th June 2023 12:00 pm Holy Mass

Santiago de Compostela Catholic Church

21682 Lake Forest Drive,

Lake Forest, CA 92630

Talk 1 ‘The secrets of St Faustina and the mystery of Divine Mercy’

Talk 2 ‘The power of love of St Michael the Archangel’

Eucharistic Healing Service, Veneration of 1st class relic

Pastor: Fr Thomas Naval

Phone:+1(949)-951-8599 Website: www.sdccatholic.org